Related Modalities
Additional training/experience
While Shamanism has proven its power through the centuries, sometimes my Helpers direct me to reach into my “toolbox” of different techniques because they will resonate and be of benefit to the client. My other training includes:
* Reiki Level 2: Advanced skill in bringing Universal healing energy to clients according to needs
* Touch for Health: A holistic approach to healing using acupressure meridians and a system of contact therapy to restore the balance of natural energy
* EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique based upon gentle tapping on meridians in a subtle energy system similar to that used in acupuncture
* Courses in healing properties of stones and herbs
* Experience in griding and clearing spaces
My work and collaboration with Spirits will be presented to follow the strict guidelines of South Carolina. Information will not be diagnostic or prescribing. The goal is to provide suggestions for your own research of healing paths if what you learn through our sessions resonates. Please ask if you would like to know more. I am available to facilitate presentations for educational purposes.